加留学生新学签6月1日实行 |
中国留学生 - 留学动态 |
作者:网络 |
2014-05-15 11:18 |
加拿大新学签(Study Permit)管理细则已经出台,将于今年6月1日起实行,总结归纳了以下几个重点和大家分享。 (一)、只有认证教育机构可以招生 To apply for a study permit on or after June 1, 2014, youwill need to have aletter of acceptance from a designated learning institution. 6月1号之后,申请学签必须需要认证学校的录取通知,非认证机构的学生将不能申请学签。 A list of designated learning institutions at thepost-secondary level will beavailable on the CIC website by June 1, 2014 (二)、非认证学校的在读生暂时不受影响,拥有三年暂缓期。 If you were issued a study permit before June 1 and arestudying at aninstitution that is not designated for international students: •you will be able to pursue the program of study thatyou are enrolled in for theduration of your current permit; and (三)、转学必须主动通知CIC,并且只能在认证教育机构里面转。 You must notify CIC via your MyCIC account when you aretransferring from onedesignated learning institution to another, even if it isat the same level ofstudy. If you are thinking about changing your institution oryour program, you needto ensure that you continue to meet the conditions ofyour study permit, aswell as the conditions that allow you to work, should youwish to work duringyour studies. 6月1号之后,你如果转学,只能在认证机构里面转,而且你有责任通过mycic电子帐户来通知移民局的转学情况。 As of June 1, 2014, all study permit holders in Canadawill need to activelypursue studies. This means that: •if you hold a study permit, you must remain enrolledand make reasonable andtimely progress towards completing your program; and •failing to do so could lead to your removal fromCanada. Your educational institution will report to CIC on yourcontinued enrolment andacademic status. You may also be asked by an immigrationofficer to provideevidence of your continued enrolment and academic status. 新政后移民局将会通过认证教育机构的汇报来掌握学生的实际学习状况,所以如果你入境不读书注册或者转学不通知移民局的话,你很有可能会收到removal order 被遣送离境。 关于转学具体结合几种实际情况重点说明一下: 还有一种情况我发现需要说明一下,就是手上有两个offer,还没入境就已经打算转学的。 我发现这种情况不在少数,这种情况新政后有个简单的方法来通知移民局。 那就是在机场入境换study permit时,跟CBSA的官员说实话,解释你真正想去读的学校是后来那所,一般情况下边境署的官员会给你按照后来的offer出study permit。如果这样,你在CIC系统里面自动就更新了学校信息,新学签也会注明新的学校。 不过这种做法可能会有一定的风险,到时边境署的官员可能会询问你这样做的理由,事先要准备好,不要让他们怀疑你入境读书的动机真实性。 1、持有老学签的,去年或者今年6月之前入境已经更换了学校。(中间没有更换过学签) 这种情况,6月1号之后最好通知CIC。为什么说“最好”呢?理论上原来只要是post-secondary level的转学就无需更换学签或者通知CIC,另外学校也不会去主动向CIC报告学生注册出勤状况。但是新政后,所有认证学校都必须报告,这里面针对第一种情况就会有潜在的问题出现。你原来转学的学校还是否存有你的档案? 如果学校还存有你的档案,那它就会向CIC报告你缺勤或者没有注册,这时候你如果不主动向移民局报告你的转学行踪,很可能就会出现问题。 如果之前的学校已经删除了你的档案,那它就不会报告你的行踪,你理论上也就不需要主动报告你移民局了。 2、持有新学签,6月1号入境后,转学或者没有去原学校报到注册的。 3、持有老学签,入境后转到非认证学校学习的 情况类似第一种,如果你中间并没有更换过学签,你最好通知CIC,让他们知道你在实际学习,哪怕是在非认证学校学习。 这种情况下的老学签仍然有效,并可以申请延期,但只能到2017年6月1号。 4、学签将具有工签属性 On June 1, 2014, if you hold a study permit but you havenot yet applied for anOff-Campus Work Permit, you are authorized to work offcampus without a workpermit as long as you meet the eligibility requirementsfor working off campus. If you apply for a study permit on or after June 1, 2014,the conditionsrelating to your eligibility to work off-campus will be writtenon your studypermit. 6月1号之后,持有有效学签可以合法打工。平时每周20小时,暑假假期可以全职。 对于6月1号之前颁发的老学签,虽然颁发时上面没有写着可以打工的条件,但是新政后等同于新学签,可以直接凭老学签去service Canada申请SIN,合法打工。 对于6月1号之后颁发的新学签,上面将会注明你可以合法打工的条件。 5、对于COOP实习工签 New rules may affect your eligibility to work as part ofa co-op orinternship program: •To work as part of a co-op/internship program, youwill need a co-op work permitthat is separate from your study permit. •If you are studying English or French as a secondlanguage (ESL/FSL), orparticipating in general interest or preparatorycourses, you will not beeligible to work during your studies, unless youbecome eligible to apply for awork permit with a positive Labour MarketOpinion from Employment and SocialDevelopment Canada. 对于COOP实习工签,新政后还是需要申请。对于ESL/FSL的学生,将不允许打工,学签上面会注明此条件。 ![]() |