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中国留学生 - 滑铁卢孔子学院专题
作者:CCTV 365nettv   
2012-09-02 19:11

简要介绍 Brief Introduction


—— Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo, Canada

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The Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo is a non-profit organization. It is jointly supported by the University of Waterloo, Renison University College and Nanjing University. The establishing agreement was signed between the Confucius Institute and The Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban) in January 2007. May 3rd 2007, marked the inauguration of the Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo and the Institute went into operation since that date.

教学活动 Teaching Activities


The Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo is currently offering a number of non-credit courses including Chinese Calligraphy, Painting, and Introductory Tai Chi etc. These courses are open to university students and community members.


A warmly received new project, the Summer Study in China course, was launched in 2008 in cooperation with Nanjing University. A credit transfer system has been successfully established. Participants included students and community members, who learned Chinese and explored China’s culture and history through direct experiences.


The Institute has not only helped the East Asian Studies program at Renison University College by offering four higher level credit Chinese courses annually, but it has also helped nearby universities and colleges in establishing their Chinese language courses. So far it has successfully helped the University of Guelph to offer its first six credit Chinese courses. Negotiations with the University of Windsor and Conestoga College in Kitchener to develop courses on their campuses are under way.

文化及其他活动 Cultural and Other Activities


In 2008, beside the Institute’s usual participation in traditional Chinese festival events, it has successfully organized the following special events:

1. 针对四川地震发起的赈灾捐款活动及关心灾区的征文活动。

Fundraising to help with the relief of Sichuan earthquakes and sponsoring the Chinese Essay Contests to promote the idea of caring and sharing among the students;

2. 成功地发起组织了本地区华侨人士对孔子学院的赞助活动,这一活动得到了热烈响应,共募集到16项奖学金,奖学金以体现孔子思想精髓的词语命名。

Launching the Overseas Chinese Leadership Scholarships, which attracted 16 scholarships named after various aspects of Confucius’ teaching and donated by established local Chinese-Canadians;

3. 与来自加拿大五所不同大学的代表会谈,介绍我院的办学经验;

Receiving five different delegations from Canadian universities interested in learning about the experiences of the Confucius Institute at the University of Waterloo;

4. 组织年度东亚节活动以及加拿大亚洲研究学会会议中的文艺演出;

Assisting the East Asian Festival and Canadian Asian Studies Association in the organization of their annual events by arranging for Chinese artistic performances;

5. 组织学生参加汉语桥多伦多分区赛并获得一等奖,及湖南决赛并获得三等奖;

Organizing students to participate in “China Bridge” competitions in Toronto and China. Our candidate won first prize in Toronto and the 3rd prize in China.

6. 举办“滑铁卢大学中国周”活动,放映中国影片和举办中国风土人情摄影比赛,还邀请了现任中国驻加大使兰立俊先生到校演讲。

Sponsoring “China Week” at the University of Waterloo, which included a public speech given by Ambassador Lan, China Trip photo contests, and Chinese movie nights.

7. 今年秋季,院方成功举办中加两国作家交流会,邀请中加著名作家和评论家做中国文学方面的讲座,此次交流会为在文学艺术领域促进中加两国人民之间的了解做出了贡献。

Organizing the “Chinese and Canadian Writers Symposium” which brought together top writers and literary critics from both countries to exchange ideas on a highly professional and academic level. Great ideas evolved from this meeting for further cooperation and exchanges in this field.

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