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中国去美国化令华盛顿焦虑 美网友热议
新闻频道 - 国际传真
2013-10-16 09:45





Who can blame them? After seeing what the tea party republicans are doing in the house. Watching as a handful take down the government because they did not get their way in the last election. Because of their hate of a black president. Because they cannot win votes so they subvert the voting process denying a vote on the house floor? You should be ashamed of yourselves. I personally hope the Democrats do not give in to you terrorists.
China and the rest of the world are probably sitting there in stunned disbelief that Cruz and clown friends can hold the government hostage. Do you blame China?
315 votes


#1.2 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:29 AM EDT
Gil-2872519 Comment collapsed by the community
I see the Democrats and the Administration's refusal to endorse a policy of fiscal restraint as the problem. There is so much waste in government that could be addressed, yet there are those who refuse to do so and insist on creating more. The Tea Party Republicans are simply trying to force constraint, reduce the debt and take away the Administration's credit card. What is wrong with that? The credit care is and has been incredibly abused, especially in the last 5 years. Enough is enough.
The problem here lies with Harry"s and Obama's childish refusal to compromise. The question concerns the fate of the Nation, it should not be a battle of egos
116 votes


#1.4 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:35 AM EDT
wtw of KC Comment collapsed by the community
Are you not sick of this Democrat/GOP nonsense yet? The fact is that money is scarce and can no longer be spread “thick enough” to satisfy all. If I am not mistaken our National Debt stands at over $17trillion or over $54+ thousand per person and if no action is taken soon we will all be in deep trouble, including China.
We need every politician, every citizen of this country to contribute a little, not just the conservatives, to lead this nation out of the mess we find ourselves in. We will only survive if we work together, divided we fall!
58 votes


#1.5 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:43 AM EDT
ihateliberals-3787409 Comment collapsed by the community
What an absured and uninformed post. it is people like this that has allowed this useless President to take America down. I would wager that I know more about Flying the Space Shuttle than he does about the Tea Party. We have a president that doesn't support and protect the consitution as he has been sworned to do. A congress that sonstantly allows American companies to off-shore their operations to China, mexico and India can't be trusted to have the American peoples interst at heart. As Reagan and many others have predicted that America would fall without a shot being fired. We are so close to that time. We in our 200+ years have never had an enemy as dangerous as the Libereals in Both houses and the Presidency. sdo many of ur youth are so mis-informed about what Amereica is really about and socialism has been taught as the savoir of the world. Trouble is we have so much evidnce to show that it doesn't work.
85 votes


#1.6 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:44 AM EDT
johnQcitizen2 Comment collapsed by the community
thanks to free trade weve allowed the super rich to export so much of our industrial base to china that their opinion of our government policies matters.thats right a communist countries government has a huge say in what happens here.they are not our friends.they are the super riches friends.we need to end free trade immediately and the manufacturing jobs will have to return.free trade has made our enemies too strong and us too weak.urge our represenatives to end it now
53 votes


#1.7 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:49 AM EDT
Mary J-7907240
China wants to replace the dollar as the world currency with the Yuan. They have a lot of other countries that are joining them. It's coming.
51 votes


#1.8 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:50 AM EDT
Viet Nam era Vet Comment collapsed by the community
Cruz- Palin 2016
Democratic dream team of the century. They look so cute together.
66 votes


#1.9 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:53 AM EDT
1stlttightwad Comment collapsed by the community
HOW DARE those tea party guys do what their electorate voted for them to do. My,my, keeping their word to those electing them might just get contagious..ya reckon.
Hmm, de-Americanize the world?? Wait..Obama's working as hard as he can to help you China. Gotta bring down this colonial power called the US. Psst, there will ALWAYS be a colonial power, just depends if it's you that is the power or some other country.
58 votes


#1.11 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:14 AM EDT
LMarcT Comment collapsed by the community
The White House, in concert with major economists, have a complete plan dealing with growth, revenue, the deficit and debt, and jobs. The right doesn't like it for a variety of reasons... Obama is black, the Tea Party is far from it, and many of the policies are in opposition to the Reagan doctrine of "trickle down". So we get what we have today... total dysfunction pushed by extremists on the right whose goal is no less than to block every damn thing they can. They will take our dysfunction to the extremes for all to see and judge. China is in heavy business partnership with us and, up to this point, has been patient.
Dumbass Boehner and his minion are worried about their jobs while the country gets destroyed.
F@#k you Boehner. F@#k you Tea Party. And screw you dumb@!$%# people that support this idiocy from the right.
Obama must defy the legal concerns and save this country through executive order and take debt increase approvals off the table for good... or we are toast.
Lead. Now.
90 votes


#1.12 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:15 AM EDT
China is voicing only what many other countries are thinking. The economy is a mess not just in our country, but in Europe too. Someone has to lead the world and the US has done so for many years, but it too is failing. I can understand the Chinese frustration
49 votes


#1.13 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:16 AM EDT
1stlttightwad Comment collapsed by the community
Don't hate his race..Guess you can't understand that we can see through him..The emperor has NO clothes..Too bad you think his clothes are beautiful..dontcha. See, so long as you think we hate his race your misguided support makes you feel OK as the race card insulates you from reality..
39 votes


#1.14 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:17 AM EDT
viknat Comment collapsed by the community
Harry Reid the biggest user of Chinese Green Energy, typical hypocrite Democrat
21 votes


#1.15 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:24 AM EDT
ED-2874315 Comment collapsed by the community
Is it clear now? The Tea Party is working for China's best interests.
53 votes


#1.22 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:46 AM EDT
LBJDemocrat Comment collapsed by the community
LBJDemocrat Comment collapsed by the community
The issues that many people have with the president do not stem from what shade his skin color is, but from the simple fact that man has the inability to lead the country. He first ran on the notion of unifying both sides, finding common ground, and having the country work together. He quickly followed that by steamrolling through legislation and telling the Republicans that they could sit in the back of the bus - he was the one who brought race into it. This set the stage for what we see happening now. Anyone who works in negotiations will tell you that insulting the other side is *not* the way to bring people together. He may have had some good ideas (depending on perspective) but his approach has been proven to be that of an amateur, not a leader, and we're all continuing to pay for it. This would be true if he were white, green, purple or pink.
32 votes


#1.26 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:58 AM EDT
Yellow Dog Independent
It’s hard for us to imagine anyone can be that crazy to push the limit to that level.
Then you haven't met the TEA PARTY!
Sarah Palin took her big mouth to Washington this weekend blaming Obama for the shutdown of the WW2 Memorial. How ignorant, the President is not the entity that closed it... Congress is to blame. But the TP crowd is too subverted to realize this. Forget D&R, we never had these type of incongruities until they showed up! BOIL the TEA!
54 votes


#1.30 - Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:23 AM EDT
Big difference between our ABILITY to pay them back and our DECISION not to pay them back (not raising the debt limit).
18 votes


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