中国英语冠军在马里兰毕业礼上的演讲 |
新闻频道 - 中国要闻 |
作者:中国雅思 |
2018-05-27 12:01 |
上周末,七悠雅思素材老师、弄麦初代导师、2016“新东方杯”英语口语大赛全国总冠军——朱子曜Jason导师在美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院,代表商学院全体研究生、MBA、博士生发表毕业演讲。现场观众评论这个鼓舞人心的演讲“brought the house down”(炸裂全场),在“空气甜”的闹剧一年之后,终于有中国人在同样的场合,给祖国争回了一口气! Jason导师有话说: 从一个普通211大学管理中法班的学生,到全国英语口语冠军,再到和NOMAD弄麦周游全国,体验不同的人间故事,再到决定远赴美国马里兰大学,挑战全新的数据分析领域。一路走来,收到了一些质疑,但更多的是鼓励和支持。 一年下来读完了差不多两年的量(13门课)。节假日几乎无休,圣诞节、春假、都是在写代码和自学中度过的。有无数的夜晚完全无法入睡,甚至压力过大开始脱发,但是最后还是成功拿到了全A的满绩点成绩单,和成为商学院研究生、MBA、博士生的毕业演讲学生代表的荣誉。希望我的经历,和这篇演讲,可以激励大家找到自己热爱的方向和领域! 有过较多英法语学习经验的我,在这一年国外学习和实习的经历中,更是深刻体会到了英语的重要性。无论是课堂的吸收效果,课后的追着老师问问题,课下的无数paper和小组任务,还有求职和社交,拥有高质量的英语沟通,帮我拿到了好的成绩,成为了教授的研究助理,也找到了在一家生命科学公司极其满意的实习工作。 但另一方面,只有英语却是完全不够的。课堂上回答问题的质量和展现的视野,课后和老师讨论话题的深度,课下作业和阅读的效率和专业性,还有求职中无数的技巧,全都意味着:除了英语之外,必须拥有一系列的技能。核心技能(数据分析),沟通技能(演讲,说服),专业性(对于任务和同事/同学的负责任程度),设计技能(基本的美感)等等,都是不可或缺的。 英语的确很重要!但不是唯一重要的!不要只是一个所谓的“英语爱好者”,请成为一个自然的“英语使用者”! Jason导师的故事,应该让很多自诩“英语好”的同学感到惭愧,目标明确、规划清晰、执行力强、多维度发展,都是Jason导师身上不可多得的闪光点! 我们也特地收集了Jason导师的毕业演讲全文,这里特地保留了Jason导师标注的停顿重点。一个优秀人才对于演讲机会的重视,可见一斑! Jason导师毕业演讲全文: Dean, faculty /and staff,/ proud parents /and above all /graduate MS /and PhD students /of class 2018, /congratulations!// This/ is your day!/// Before/ thanking UMD /and the Smith School,/ I want to be honest /about /one thing: I always have/ random questions/ in my mind.// For example/ ‘If anything is possible;/ is it possible for something /to be impossible?’ //I don’t normally ask for answers./ But there was/ another question /I had /the first day/ I learned about UMD: why// is our mascot/ is a turtle?// Many other schools/ pick fierce and mighty animals or figures: //Princeton has a tiger,/ Uchi has a Phoenix,/ and Duke/ has the ‘blue devil’. //This question /was not solved/ until I came to UMD /and met the people here. ///
It was Professor Zhang/ at the Smith School /who helped me realize that/ the way to success/ is never easy. /She told me that /she had been there. /Under unimaginable pressure/ during here PhD life/ in Harvard,/ she had to get up at 4 every morning /and every single day/ she doubted her ability, /her choice /and her future. /But she decided to accept the challenge/ and move forward /step by step. Eventually /she became the Wonder Woman /in the field of statistics/ and inspires hundreds of students /like me. /Just/ like a turtle/ with a tough shell,/ bearing all the pressure and hardships,/ still moves forward.///
This experience/ made realize/ what we are all made of. /When push comes to shove,/ when the rubber meets the road,/ when the chips are down,/ I realized what lies/ at the very core/ of every person /in UMD.///
This// is the Terrapin spirit,/ which could be interpreted by these 3 amazing letters /that I will never forget//: UMD, that is/ U Must be Determined.///
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