英语神卷横空出世 老师都忍不住抄袭 |
新闻频道 - 中国要闻 |
作者:观察者网 |
2015-01-05 23:58 |
谢卉老师:70后的年龄,00后的心灵 近日,湖北多家媒体报道,湖北襄阳五中的英语神试题走红网络。原来,1月1日,新浪微博@五中社区-襄阳五中 发了一条名为“五中神题”的微博。微博展示了《BOOK1重点句型》试卷中的8道英语语法题,试题诙谐幽默,囊括社会热点和舆论话题,既有“法海(Far High)你不懂爱”,又有“小苹果(Little Apple)”,还有“蓝翔技校挖掘机(Blue Fly Technical School)”、安静的美男子(a quiet handsome boy)……等等,试题怎么有些面熟,哦,这不是去年10份就在网上走红的山东师大附中“英语神试卷”吗?怎么摇身一变又成湖北襄阳五中的试题?看来,“萌萌哒”的英语试卷不仅受学生欢迎,教师同行也是大胆借(chao)鉴(xi)…… 网传襄阳五中的8道英语神题 媒体查询到了这份“英语神试卷”的真正出题人——山东师范大学附属中学高二年级的英语教师谢卉。去年10月,谢卉老师花了10分钟就出了这份语法题,原始版本有10道题,襄阳五中的版本省去了2道,还打乱了顺序。据媒体报道,去年10月份,试卷被学生传到了网络后,一天内有近万名网友做过这份试卷。 “英语神试卷”的最初版本 深悟“创新和与时俱进”的谢卉老师想必是位紧跟社会潮流的“90后”,不过,媒体查询早前报道发现,谢卉老师是名女儿已经上高二的“70后”,还是山东师大附中英语高二备课组组长,高级教师。“我是70后的年龄,00后的心灵。”从教已20个年头的谢卉老师透露,她平时说话和讲课却非常“潮”,热门电影、网络热点词频现课堂。 谈及“英语神卷”的初衷,谢卉说:“现在很多孩子觉得学英语比较枯燥,没有兴趣,尤其是语法部分。所以我一直想怎么把枯燥的语法题变变花样,让学生主动爱上语法。”谢卉表示,这份试卷她花了10多分钟就出来了,其中的内容有的她前期在网上关注过,有的则是她自己编的段子。 谢卉出完“英语神卷”后在QQ上说:“我这样出题,是不是又调皮了?亲爱的们,我是一个妈妈老师,希望你们每天都能快乐的学习!爱你们!” 接下来,就一起做做谢卉老师出的“英语神卷”吧,看看还能做对几道题? 1. _______________ Little Red Hat, the wolf went to bed and slept.(swallow)大灰狼一口吞下了小红帽,然后上床觉觉了。 2. Singing “You don’t know love, Far High”, she threw the tortoise intothe river, with tears ___________ her eyes.(fill)唱着“法海你不懂爱”,她把那只乌龟扔进了河里,眼里满是泪水。 3. Sorry, the person _______________ is in Grade 2 now. Please dial againtwo years later. (call)对不起,您所拨打的用户正在高二,请两年后再拨。 4. _________________ puppy love, the teacher always arranges for beautifulgirl-student to be his deskmate. (prevent)为了防止他早恋,老师总是让漂亮的女生和他同桌。 5. There are 2 ways to drive a person crazy. Firstly, leave the words _______________.(finish)有两种方式让人抓狂。一,不把话说完, 6. Have you seen Mr. Zhang _____________ “Little Apple”? That’s such abeautiful scene that I dare not have my eyes __________ on it. (dance, fix)你看见过张Sir跳“小苹果”吗?那画面太美俺不忍直视。 7. A Twitter: My look can keep me _____________ until my graduation.God Comment: But can yourintelligence? ( study)一条说说:我的相貌可以让我安心学到毕业。 神评论:你的智商可以吗? 8. _____________ with the graduatesof Blue Fly Technical School, the graduates of Tsinghua University are not thatskillful when ____________ excavator. (combine,operate)和蓝翔毕业生相比,清华毕业生开挖掘机的技能简直弱爆了。 9. ___________________ the exercises, I become crazy. My dear teacher, Ihave had enough of you! (do)做完这些练习,我也醉了。亲亲的老师,你够了。 10. Get me _____________ a quiet handsome boy. (be)我还是做一个安静的美男子算了。 以下是媒体给出的参考答案: 1. _______________ Little Red Hat, the wolf went to bed and slept.(swallow)大灰狼一口吞下了小红帽,然后上床觉觉了。 答案:Having swallowed 2. Singing “You don’t know love, Far High”, she threw the tortoise into the river, with tears ___________ her eyes.(fill)唱着“法海你不懂爱”,她把那只乌龟扔进了河里,眼里满是泪水。 答案:filling 3. Sorry, the person _______________ is in Grade 2 now. Please dial againtwo years later. (call)对不起,您所拨打的用户正在高二,请两年后再拨。 答案:you are calling 4. _________________ puppy love, the teacher always arranges for beautiful girl-students to be his deskmate. (prevent)为了防止他早恋,老师总是让漂亮的女生和他同桌。 答案:To prevent 5. There are 2 ways to drive a person crazy. Firstly, leave the words _______________.(finish)有两种方式让人抓狂。一,不把话说完, 答案:unfinished 6. Have you seen Mr. Zhang _____________ “Little Apple”? That’s such a beautiful scene that I dare not have my eyes __________ on it. (dance, fix)你看见过张Sir跳“小苹果”吗?那画面太美俺不忍直视。 答案:dancing ,fixed 7. A Twitter: My look can keep me _____________ until my graduation.God Comment: But can your intelligence? ( study)一条说说:我的相貌可以让我安心学到毕业。 神评论:你的智商可以吗? 答案:studying 8. _____________ with the graduates of Blue Fly Technical School, the graduates of Tsinghua University are not that skillful when ____________ excavator. (compare,operate)和蓝翔毕业生相比,清华毕业生开挖掘机的技能简直弱爆了。 答案:Compared,operatingg 9. ___________________ the exercises, I become crazy. My dear teacher, Ihave had enough of you! (do)做完这些练习,我也醉了。亲亲的老师,你够了。 答案:Having done 10. Get me _____________ a quiet handsome boy. (be)我还是做一个安静的美男子算了。 答案:be