1. 保守党的内阁部长的认为: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/minister-revokes-support-for-tory-candidate-who-praised-terrorists/article577521/ "This program … is unacceptable and it flies in the face of the fact that our government listed the Tamil Tigers as a terrorist organization," said Mr. Kent. 保守党自己的内阁部长Kent说:“这个节目(注:保守党候选人曾经出现的宣传视频) … 是不可接受的,它直接与我们政府将猛虎组织列为恐怖组织的事实相违背”…. When The Globe questioned him about his endorsement Thursday, Mr. Kent withdrew it and said Mr. Paranchothy should no longer be a candidate. Kent曾经表态支持这个候选人,当报纸询问他时,Kent先生表示撤回对该候选人的支持,并说Paranchothy先生不应该做候选人。 "The Tamil Tigers, in no context, can be portrayed as freedom fighters and heroes; they were terrorists," Mr. Kent said, adding that he was unaware of the video until The Globe sent him a link to it Thursday morning. "It was a tribute, and it's unacceptable even if he didn't write it, even if he didn't believe it." “猛虎组织,无论在任何语境之下,都不可以描绘成自由战士和英雄;他们就是恐怖分子。(那个节目)是个歌颂,即使不是他写的,即使他自己不相信,也是不可接受的。” 几天之后,Kent再反悔,转为再支持。
2. 以下是保守党自己的专家事后评论: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/tory-hopeful-s-stations-played-tamil-tiger-propaganda-expert-1.1115959 The Conservative government's own expert on Tamil extremism is raising concerns about a Toronto Tory candidate, claming he has worked for two television stations that telecast "propaganda" for the Tamil Tigers. 保守党自己的专家对这位保守党候选人提出关注,指他为两个电视台工作,播放了泰米尔猛虎组织的“宣传”。
3. 以下的标题:保守党争取南亚裔支持的努力,为泰米尔猛虎残余开放大门。 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/tories-bid-to-win-over-south-asians-opens-party-to-tamil-tigers-remnant/article576456/ Tories trying to win support from South Asians in Ontario have opened the door to remnants of a Tamil Tiger front group the federal Conservatives themselves banned in 2008. 保守党试图争取安大略省南亚裔的支持,为泰米尔猛虎前线团体敞开了大门,而这个组织已于2008年被联邦保守党自己下令禁止。
4. 选举事务局调查 https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/conservative-candidate-accused-under-reporting-true-cost-ethnic-205804365.html Conservative candidate Ragavan Paranchothy accused of under-reporting true cost of election ads 该候选人被指没有申报真实费用,选举事务局进行调查。
5. 该候选人迴避问题 http://www.nationalobserver.com/2017/03/29/news/toronto-conservative-ragavan-paranchothy-ducks-questions-about-trump-style-tweets